Our Parents' Views

Our parents are down-to-earth, friendly people who are overwhelmingly positive in support of the work we do.

"The New School is amazing and gives each pupil the best education possible."

"Our son has grown into an honest, considerate, hardworking little boy and The New School has had a big part to play it that. The one-to-one attention from the amazing teachers has helped build his confidence and interest."

"Thanks so much for all the support you have given to us as a family. We really appreciate it. He has really enjoyed being in your school."

"I so enjoyed the opportunity to see my granddaughter working away in her new classroom, the impressive refurbishment which has taken place and your wise and reflective words."

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the parents workshop yesterday afternoon - really informative and extremely useful."

"Your work is beyond amazing. You are doing such an exceptional job. We have been so lucky to have found the school."

"I have been continually amazed by the progress my daughters have made during their time at The New School."

"Our children have flourished beyond our expectations and have a genuine love of learning and reading."

"My daughter is so happy at the school and I love receiving such a positive weekly newsletter."